Friday, February 15, 2008

No Flowers For Me

Valentine's day has come and gone with no flowers or boxes of chocolates for me. And that is fine with me. Cut flowers are beautiful but only last a few days - it seems like such a waste. A potfull of flowers always seems like a better choice - they last forever. Unless of course you don't water them! And OH - those chocolates - had enough of them at work yesterday.

So my special Valentine made me a handmade card. LOVED IT. More memories there than Hallmark ever produced. On the front of the card were two beautiful doves. The text beneath the doves said -'My true love sent me Two turtle doves'. There was a big X throught he word dove? Inside the card was a picture of The Turtles album - 'It Ain't Me Babe.' And another photograph of a turtle. And a quote from William Shakespeare - "O, how I love thee! How I dote on thee! I felt special but a little confused. The cheap smuck!!!

Then he said, "You don't get it do you?"

I replied, "It's very nice."

Then he takes my hand and walks me over to the once empty turtle tank and I see two tiny babies basking under the heat lamp. Two very small yellow bellies. Now our turtle farm has grown to five. So much better than flowers or chocolates and they will most likely outlive both of us. As of now they are nameless but the mind is thinking about something love inspired. Maybe Romeo & Juliet?

The family these two babies will join (outside) in the spring. Big Al - a Red Eared Slider, Cooter - a Florida Cooter and Cracker a Cumberland Slider.

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