Get off the couch - go to the window - pull back the curtain - and look at life. It could be passing you by or floating away and you will never even know it. There is soooo much out there to see - enjoy - feel and become one with. Visit a state park and relax and appreciate all they have to offer. This weekend admittance to all National parks are FREE. Go for it.
Forget about the politicians who promise you the world on a silver platter when in reality life comes at us on a paper plate. And plastic forks that sometimes break and we have to improvise. Deal with the dilemma. Use your fingers. FLASHBACK!!!!
Out on a boating expedition once upon a time ago and I took Chinese take-out to munch on. We dropped anchor in the middle of the HUGE lake and started to dive in - to the food. Wait!!! No eating implements. You can't eat rice with the fingers. But you can scoop rice up with a broken fortune cookie.
Get out of the backseat and sit up front and meld with the world as it spins by you. Don't be left in the dust. Anyways - the dust is bad for your allergies and breathing in general. Suck up all that fresh air and enjoy the great outdoors. Forget about the distractions and all the negativity that is piled up in your luggage. Open those drapes and live a little or a lot.
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