Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Damn Birds

On so many levels the movie - The Birds' burns into your psyche. For most of us that have seen the movie (time and time again) it has etched into our thoughts that birds truly can be devious. We are like prey vulnerable to their tactics.

I'm getting this feeling that I am in a permanent Alfred Hitchcock movie of the birds. In my backyard - actually it's in my neighbors back yard but this tree has engulfed over into my space. It's a huge tree and provides some privacy. Lately the tree has become home to - the crows. Not just one or two but an entire flock - sometimes I have counted 12 black crows. They are loud and big. I suspect they could cart off a little yappy dog or a small child. Of which I have neither.

The tree has become this roosting spot and it is giving me the creeps. Unable to contain myself the other day I started to throw stones at them. Off they flew only to return a few hours later. They congregate and shriek at all hours of the day. I had thoughts of shooting at then with my b.b. gun but I am out of b.b's and that would be cruel.

Lately I have been noticing lots of crows in my neighbor, at the grocery store and along the road feasting on road kill. Too many birds with a bad attitude are invading my space. I wonder what they are conspiring to do? They seem like birds on a rampage. At times like this I am wishing I never watched the Alfred Hitchcock movie - 'The Birds'. Are they out to get us? Perhaps I need to purchase a little sports car to use as my get away vehicle.

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