Saturday, March 29, 2008

Orlando Magic

I went to Orlando and attened a seminar for work. I stayed in a very nice hotel - not the resort type but still a nice hotel. My room was on the 3rd floor and it overlooked the back parking lot. The view didn't matter so much as I was stuck in a conference room all day.

Early morning Friday - check out day. I went down stairs to find one of those rolling carts that you place all of your luggage on. I know, I always take too much. I really didn't need 5 pairs of shoes, two pairs of sneakers, 2 sets of flip flops for 5 days - whatever!

So I drag this rolling rack from hell up the elevator to my room. If you have ever tried to push one -holding a cup of coffee - you know what I am talking about. The wheels do not work together as a team. One goes North, one goes South, one twirls around like a dog chasing its tail and the other one is stuck and never moves.

I get to the door, spill a little coffee down the front of my white shirt and knock softly on the door. I know my roommate is up. No answer. Perhaps she is still in bed. I knock a little harder. No answer. She could be in the shower. My knock is now insistent. I add a little sound to my knock. The coffee spills all over. Now, I know she is just being spiteful.

I look up for some odd reason and I see room number 221. OMG!!! I'm on the wrong floor and at the wrong room and it's 5 AM in the morning. I drop the coffee cup on the carpeted floor and race down the hallway to the elevator - leaving the one and only rolling cart in front of their door. Two sprints away from room 221 I hear the door squeak open. I keep on moving and don't look back.

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