Tuesday, September 2, 2008

181 miles to South of the Border

My mind bounces like those Mexican jumping beans you buy at South of the Border. South of the Border (on the South Carolina/North Carolina demarcation line) is hailed as the TACKIEST gift shop in the United States. I beg to differ on that biased opinion.
One can watch and read the hilariously el-stupid signs for miles. This task help tremendously with boredumb. And the animation signs are just the cutest things. And who can resist Pedro?
Well, at least their restrooms are clean and their pizzas are hot. And the trinkets and fart cushions are to ROFLMAO.
What can I say? The drive from Florida to New York is gruesome. I really have loved South of the Border since I was a little tyke. My parents would never stop so I indulge myself and my lost childhood dreams. I stop to say - HEY- to Pedro any chance I get.
Let your inner child speak for herself.

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