Friday, November 2, 2007

Alice in Stumbleland

Chaper 2

Tormented screams cut the air like a box cutter on cardboard. Participatory outrage boiled from all sides. The heavy hemp ropes started to sway. Sur Amboy stood in shock for a mere second and then he sprung into his savior mode. Sur Parrish was gone. The bikers sending swift karate chops at the attackers did little to slow the onslaught of violence. A cloud of dust and debris spun forth toward the wooden platform. Broken vases sailed over cowering bodies. Sirens in the distant became silent. The flower boy and ring bearer huddled next to an overturned motorcycle. Four large hairy arms swept down and snatched them from their hiding place. The children screamed and Sur Amboy charged. Hidden beneath his flowing wedding gown he lifted his ruby encrusted sword. He had always used it as a showpiece but now he knew it would become a weapon. Perhaps a weapon of death. The chaos was over in minutes although it seemed like hours. Sur Amboy hugged the terrified flower boy and ring bearer. As the dust settled the wedding party staggered back to life. Badly bruised and bleeding almost everyone was accounted for. Sur Parrish was missing. The handmade headwrap lay tattered, torn and bloodied on the the very edge of the red carpet walkway. Silence seeped over the park like thick early morning fog. Someone pointed to the great elm tree and the heavy hemp rope. Sur Amboy lifted his sword and sliced the hemp to pieces.

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