Sunday, October 28, 2007


I'm a loser. Yes, I lose stuff. Lots of stuff. Stuff that is important and precious to me. I just lose it. I could change the words to the song, 'Just beat it', to 'Just lose it'. Yesterday I lost my pin drive. It was lost quietly without fanfare or notice. I looked on my keychain and it was GONE. Too many places visited to backtrack and look for it. I had visions of the pin drive in the parking lot of the mall, smashed. The little red pieces scattered about the compact car empty space by the entrance to the emporium. I can't remember what I had on my pin drive? This past summer I lost a lens, a lens filter and the lens cover to my camera. All at different times and different places. If someone followed behind me they could become rich from my droppings. What causes me to be so ineffecient or irresponsible? Shall I blame it on a dysfuntional childhood? Shall I blame it on the fast paced world I live in? Perhaps I could blame it on the manufacture for not adhering it to my person properly. I could say I was drinking extremely hot coffee from some fast food restaurant and when I jumped from fear of being burnt by the nasty tasting coffee I lost my pin drive. Yes, I now believe I have a case. Blame it on someone else. But wait I never buy coffee at a fast food establishment. There goes that lawsuit out the window. My pin drive most likely shattered in despair on the parking lot in section B2.

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