Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Moon Cheese

I've always known it was true not just a myth. Not a fairy tale with princesses, frogs, evil witches and happily ever after. Some things way down deep in your heart or soul you just know are like magic. The feeling bubbles inside your thoughts and washes away all the dirt and dust that accumulates with life in general.

Wishes come true and happiness spills over you and smiles erupt and life is good. You try new ideas and float with the wind. The fresh morning breeze awakens all your senses and OH - that first cup of coffee. Sitting outside in the dark of the morning listening to the sounds of the new day breaking through.

Then - right up there high in the sky is the moon. Pulsing with rhythm and movement ever so slight. Painted with colors not on the color chart. Wonderment fills the space inside your sleepy head. Hot coffee warms your heart and starts your engine. And there she/he is all bright and beautiful shining down upon you.

The stories and folk tales spin round inside your head. At that moment in time captured forever is the true fact that the moon is really made of green cheese. I wonder where the green eggs and ham are?

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