Friday, January 11, 2008


One of my goals for this year is to get more exercise. I started with that goal while vacationing in Key West. Driving a car in Key West is like walking thru a maze blindfolded. It is more peaceful to ride bikes. While at Key West I decided to rent a bike instead of walking all day. They have these cute little baskets where you can store water and all of your kool purchases. Once I even put my dirty laundry in the basket and rode to the laundry mat.

So the bike rentals are basically one size fits all. I am a little on the short side. They lowered the seat as far as it would go and still it was difficult to stop and have my feet reach the pavement. I can not even tell you how many times I came face to face with asphalt. Bumps and bruises all over my sore body and I said, "I will never ride a bike again." That was then - this is today.

I search the garage to find my bike - I know it's in there somewhere. Hidden beneath the old pool cover (why haven't we thrown that out?) the umbrella and several stacks of throw rugs: there she is just waiting to be found. I know I should walk the dog today so possibly I could kill two birds with one ride. Not that I would ever kill a bird - maybe a seagull!

I hook the big boy up to his long leash, hop on the bike and off we go. First stop soft grass by the end of my driveway. I look around the cul-de-sac to make sure no one has seen my misfortune. Second try gets me to the corner by the STOP sign. I stop big boy doesn't. The loose fender now hangs precariously closer to the ground. Third and final try - off we go!

The pit bull behind the fence notices us first. I am not prepared. Woof, his deep loud bark shatters my concentration. The big boy takes it as challenge and woofs back on the run. That dog can run faster than I can pedal. It's funny how curbs can stop a person (riding a bike) right in their tracks. I watch my pretty purple bike fly like an eagle gently through the air and land on a perfectly sturdy mailbox. It looked sturdy before it met my bike. I wonder if my homeowners insurance will pay up.

The big boy is busy charging at the pit bull behind the chain link fence as I sit in the gutter and survey my missing skin. I hobble over to the fence and grab his leash and give him a tirade of BAD words. He pants. The owner of the mangled mailbox comes over and asks if I am okay and offers to drive me home and then he looks at big boy. I thank him and offer to replace the mailbox. I pick up my once shiny purple bike and limp home with the big boy. I certainly met my exercise goals for today.

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